References / clients (selection)
Planning of experimental field trials on parasite prophylaxis in Africa and Asia
Sample size and power calculations
Statistical analyses
Conception of a data management system for the recording of clinical and diagnostic data and for treatments
Project leadership for the development of the Swiss cattle health database
Conducting and publishing a study for a data management system for the recording of animal-based welfare indicators and animal welfare hazards
Consulting mandates for the information system of the Swiss public veterinary service
Research management
Sample size calculations
Training in experimental trial design, sample size and power calculations
Supervision of research projects
Writing research proposals
Training in experimental trial design, sample size and power calculations
Product management
Data analyses
Writing reports and publications
Training in experimental trial design, sample size and power calculations
Formerly Merck-Serono
Training in experimental trial design, sample size and power calculations
Formerly MERIAL
Statistical data analyses